Just had english paper today.
It was tough :X
got stucked in alot of questions and i almost no time for passage B and Summary :X
Now over le.. Hope i will score well (:
Let me try recall what happen in the past few days..
28 April (wednesday):
Played basketball in the morning.
meet up with seowleng and yuchin :D
Played till sweat like hell.
Then Amos,Zuoquan,Xianyang and 'gang' came play match..
Had no confidence in playing match @ first but its okay to try (:
The match was FUN and EXCITING though some people sort of 'injured' somehow?
Then get back to class for lessons as it starts @ 10.45am every morning.
Looking forward to next game :D
29 April (Yesterday):
Had lessons as usual.
NYAA 1st period reflections.
i wrote alot crap.
then 2nd period played Captains ball :D
i was impulsive in shooting the ball..
so sorry.
Alot of times le..
then lessons..
Then after school Maths CRT.
At first the venue is LT but in the end 2E4 classroom.
squeezed like hell...
Lalitha have bad organisation.
How can we learn in squeezy and noisy environment? -,-
Today, as i said just finished English paper..
Hope everyone do well (:
And also goodluck for following exams.